
Percy Jackson & The Lightening Thief  1) What is the purpose of your research (secondary) The purpose is to gather information from different magazines and allow people to share their ideas. This is to alert others people and make other people recognise the importance of magazines and that there are all different types of magazines out there. Also that all magazines are made differently, as we all know. Many people like to read all different types of magazines as it allows them to enter into a different world, and also see what other people get up to in their lives. What is the content of the magazine:  The main content of this magazine is to promote different types of films to different types of people. This is a good way to put your movies out there and also to get all different type of peoples to recognise your movie. It also has a lot of content on peoples lives, so kind of like biographies. These are basically on the people who have made these amazing films that many peop
All about me  My hobbies are watching shows on netflix and listening to music. In my free time i like to spend time with my sisters, my eldest sister is 26 and my middle sister is 20. I have one niece and one nephew. My nephew is 9 and my niece is 4.    My favourite subject is English and History because i like finding out new and interesting things. I don't really like animals but i have a cat. I don't have a favourite sport because I don't find sport interesting. When i finish college i would like to go university and study English.