Percy Jackson & The Lightening Thief 

What is the purpose of your research (secondary)
The purpose is to gather information from different magazines and allow people to share their ideas. This is to alert others people and make other people recognise the importance of magazines and that there are all different types of magazines out there. Also that all magazines are made differently, as we all know. Many people like to read all different types of magazines as it allows them to enter into a different world, and also see what other people get up to in their lives.

What is the content of the magazine: The main content of this magazine is to promote different types of films to different types of people. This is a good way to put your movies out there and also to get all different type of peoples to recognise your movie. It also has a lot of content on peoples lives, so kind of like biographies. These are basically on the people who have made these amazing films that many people love. This also makes people find out information on the maker of the film which is very useful to the film as it builds the viewers on the movie and also on the creature. For other magazines the content would be more about people or fashion. That is why movie magazines are special and different as they are strictly for promoting movies. So movie lovers buy these magazines a lot.

What does the cover look like?  The cover has a boy holding a lightening bolt. In the distance there is a city, you can infer that he is standing on water, as you can see water is beneath him. The atmosphere is dark and glumly. This engages readers that have never watched this film as it looks very mysterious and interesting. For people that have seen the film, this may make them want to watch it again or even research about it and also read a few of the books. This cover is effective as it is eye catching and many people would see and be intrigued by the image that they see.  Also the heading are in bold and a funny type of font. This is very effective as it makes people think that it is interesting and makes people want to either buy the magazine or watch the movie. 
What is featured on the cover page? On the front cover there is a picture of a man that is in Avatar. This helps the magazine as a whole as it attracts all different types of people. Having Avatar on the front cover helps as it gets other peoples attention and then as you read on you get to see that its very interesting. Also the colours on the front cover attract many people as its bright and vibrant. This engages kids as well, as kids love colourful things and this helps the brand sell more. This means it is very effective and makes a big difference. 
Does it have a centre page spread?
The centre page spared is of Planet of the Ape-man. This page has something very important as its been 100years since the first film of this kind has come out. This page is dedicated to one film that has been out for a long period of time and a film that many people like, find interesting. It is a very good thing to have a centre page as it allows people that weren't aware of this film to watch it or to find out about it. This is something many movie magazines do to get attention by old film lovers. This is very smart and clever as it makes it very interesting for new readers. The other magazine has a centre page and it is of 
Does it have interviews? 
The interviews that were done were couple interviews. This is basically a couple sharing their relationship with the world and allowing everyone to be apart of their lives. This attracts the audience and allows more of a varity of people to buy and read the magazine.The magazine also interview individual people on their lives. They also interview people on the movies and what they think about the movie, it was a bit like a review but also the people spoke more about their lives. This magazine has many interviews because they don't have many other things in the magazine so they have to fill with other things such as interviews. 
Contests for readers?
The contests for the readers are very easy for people to take part. It has in bold writing 'WIN FREE SKY MOVIE HD FOR ONE YEAR'. This engages the reader as its in bold ad it stands out a lot as its in bold writing. This allows the readers to make their own judgement and also decide if they want to take part in the contests which is very helpful for the brand that is willing to give out free things. They also have money off certain things such as exclusive sites which is very helpful for people that love movie magazines. These contests really play a big part in these type of magazines as it makes people want to buy them more to get their free stuff, or money off. The other magazine has many contests and things for the readers to win, much more than the magazine I previously looked at. I think this is because there isn't much reviews so they have filled the spaces with other things such as contests.  

Film reviews?
The films reviews that are in this magazine are negative and positive. It also has the ratings of the movies. The purpose of the film reviews is so that if people feel like watching this film but are not sure about it, they can look at the reviews and this is basically people talking about the movies and the ratings of the movies and what they thought was good about, also what they did not like about it. These reviews are very important. They are important as it they depend on whether people will watch this film or not. That is a big deal as it is the first thing that people will see before actually going to watch the movie. The other magazine does not have any film interviews, it has many different things but that. The reason I think it has this is because there are people that are not interesting in film reviews and just want to read the magazine without having to read reviews on the film.


how old are you?

what gender are you?

how often do you buy a film magazine?

what articles do you like most?

how often do you go cinema?

what is your favourite genre?

does film magazines influence you to watch the film?

do you prefer only british films or other countries?

do you buy non-film related magazines?

how much would you pay for a film magazine?

3)This question was about your age and as we can see the majority of people that completed my questionnaire were the age of 16

This question was on if you like reading film magazines  or not and surprisingly a t of people said that they didn't enjoy reading film magazines

This question was on the last time you have read a film magazine and many people have never read a film magazine before.

This question was about if you go to the cinema or not.

This question was on your favrioute  genre and most people said that they liked horror the most
This question was on whether film promotions influence you to watch new films and most people said yes.

This question was if you liked reading reviews or not and it was 50/50. 

This question was asking you what sex you were.

This was about the type of content you would like in your film magazine and most people said they would like interviews.

This was about the price you would pay for a film magazines, and most people went for the cheaper option.

In the my film magazine there will be content on new films. There will also be interviews on different   actors and actresses. I put that in there so we can get an insight of what they think about the work they do. This cover was inspired by the movie 'The Conjuring'. This film was created and then another film was created that was just about the Nun in the original movies. The contents page has films that are being featured in the magazine and it also as information about the film and what people think about it. It also has many reviews and interviews on the films which impact on whether people will want to watch the films or buy the magazine.


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